Welcome to SquishGL

CanvasRenderingContext2D -> WebGLRenderingContext
// Build fast online games without learning WebGL

Include SquishGL in the head of your HTML file. You can contribute to this library on GitHub.

    <script src = squish.js></script>

Supported Properties

fillRect() clearRect() translate() rotate() scale() save() restore() transform() getTransform() setTransform() resetTransform() fillText() drawImage() beginPath() closePath() moveTo() lineTo() stroke() measureText() strokeRect() canvas font fillStyle strokeStyle textAlign lineJoin lineWidth miterLimit imageSmoothingEnabled

[Currently] Unsupported Properties

arc() fill() arcTo() bezierCurveTo() clip() closePath() createConicGradient() createImageData() createLinearGradient() createRadialGradient() drawFocusIfNeeded() ellipse() getContextAttributes() getImageData() getLineDash() isContextLost() isPointInPath() isPointInStroke() putImageData() quadraticCurveTo() rect() roundRect() setLineDash() strokeText() filter fontKerning fontStretch fontVariantCaps direction globalAlpha letterSpacing globalCompositeOperation lineCap lineDashOffset shadowBlur shadowColor shadowOffsetX shadowOffsetY textBaseline textRendering wordSpacing